Your support fuels PBL

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Pentecost 2024

As we approach the opening of the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church on June 23, we invite your financial support of Partners for Baptismal Living (formerly Episcopalians on Baptismal Mission and creators of the blog). We are a group which continually seeks ways to remind us Christians that we are all empowered by baptism – the Church’s first order of ministry – to proclaim and live out God’s Beloved Community in our daily lives, here and now. We are appealing to you because we know you care deeply about the calling of all the baptized, 99% of whom are lay people.

PBL is a small group with church-wide impact. Our work, leading up to the 2018 General Convention, created and passed Resolution C005. That resolution formed a task force that has worked to see baptismal ministry intentionally implemented throughout the church. A member of PBL served on the task force that promoted passage of Resolution A037, “Establishing a New Standing Commission on Formation and Ministry Development,” during the 2022 80th General Convention. This new standing commission focuses on affirming, developing, and upholding the ministry of all the baptized.

With no paid staff and no building or equipment to maintain, PBL’s expenses are modest and fall into two main categories:

  • Participation in the work of The Consultation, a collaboration of advocacy organizations in the Episcopal Church. Partnership with this group multiplies our impact.  Although most meetings are virtual, one meeting per year calls for in-person attendance by two individuals.
  • Attendance and participation at General Convention, assuring that PBL’s voice and presence are known and recognized in the larger church.

Every gift makes a difference. If you’d like to sponsor a specific expense (brochures and stickers for General Convention, Consultation dues, etc.), we’d be happy to offer “sponsorship opportunities” tailored to your interests. And, because we are a 501(c)(3), we are happy to provide a tax statement for your contributions.

You can support PBL monetarily by

  • making an online donation at PBL’s blog site  OR
  • mailing a check/money order made payable to Partners for Baptismal Living to:
 Partners for Baptismal Living 
 c/o Pamela Tinsley, Treasurer 
 4810 N. 28th St. 
 Tacoma, WA 98407

Can we rely on YOU to help continue this transformational work and build on our continuing successes?

With gratitude for your generous support,

The Steering Committee of Partners for Baptismal Living
Brandon Beck, PhD (Dio W Texas)
Nanci Gordon (Dio Vermont)
The Rt. Rev. Edward Lee (Dio Western Michigan)
Adam Lees (Dio Alaska)
Demi Prentiss (Dio Colorado)
Tieran Sweeney-Bender (Dio Olympia)
The Rev. Pamela Tinsley (Dio Olympia)
The Rev. Dr. Jennifer Woodruff Tait (Dio Lexington)

And Colleague Founders now in God’s nearer presence:
The Rev. J. Fletcher Lowe
The Rev. Peyton Craighill
The Rev. A. Wayne Schwab

P.S. Your tax-deductible contribution to PBL’s work means more people will be on mission every day, wherever their daily life takes them. Thank you for your support!

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