
New Episcopal Shield released for Pride, May 16, 2024

by Brandon Beck

Won’t you help me if you can – find a safe place to be myself?

I learned a new song Sunday, May 19, 2024. What an appropriate day in the church calendar to learn new words, right? The Holy Spirit came down like tongues of fire, as if a sound of rushing wind, and I was changed. I felt the Spirit move not just in me but in all those gathered as the choir director read the composer’s words from the cover of the score to this 2019 song I’d never heard before – this song written by a progressive, Baptist, music minister, singer, composer, teacher, and all-around-super-cool South Carolinian named James Kevin Gray. Gray, in that note to this 2019 score, writes:

[This composition] was inspired by a young friend of mine who bravely shared his story of being bullied. Hearing him recall and confront this issue inspired me to research it further and spend time listening to others tell them into a narrative of pain and redemption. Near the end…you will hear the choir surround the vocal narrator(s) with the phrase, “You are not alone – I am with you.”

We must challenge ourselves to get up off of the sidelines and call out abuse. When a “one” is joined by another, the “one” becomes a “they,” and as the group grows, so does its power. This is the force that can be used for the sake of peace, love, and understanding.

I would encourage each choir who performs this piece to set aside some time for sharing and validation of individuality. You might be amazed at the healing you witness in the process.

You are not alone – I am with you.

James Kevin Gray says this in his 2019 choral piece “Safe Place.” Is he echoing The Holy Spirit flaming on the disciples and all the nations on Pentecost? Echoing YHWH speaking to the people through Moses?

We are turning toward June in the next few days. June marks many justice events, but I appreciate that we have been marking Pride in June in some form or fashion since the Queens and trans women and men and gay men and lesbians of New York City began rioting near the Stonewall Inn on June 28, 1969. They were asking the world, “Won’t you help me if you can – find a safe place to be myself?”

As we enter June of 2024, can we each ask ourselves and then extend our inquiry to our congregations, “How am I/are we helping someone find a safe place to be themselves?”

You are not alone – I am with you.

Can we say that we have embodied the philosophy of YHWH, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit this Pride Month? Have we shown someone they are not alone? I’m not asking if we’ve paid lip-service to someone with the nonchalant, passing phrase, “You’re not alone.” Rather, I’m wondering when and how you’ve changed how you behave so that a person who has “bravely shared [their] story of being bullied” sees you “get up off the sidelines and call out abuse.”

Listen to composer James Kevin Gray share his story of change after listening to his young friend, his hopes for how we will hear his song, and learn to reach out, speak up, come together, and be loving, liberating, and life-giving.

After, maybe you and your congregation will even go attend your local Pride event or celebrate a Pride Eucharist for your community.

Need resources? Check out TransEpiscopal and LGBTQ+ in the Church. Or let get in touch with me or my colleagues at Baptismal Living; we’re always ready to talk with you.

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